This thing has been going on for years(since 2001 as a matter of fact) but I haven't tried it or so as my friends...Last nite we finally decided to try it and know if the hype is true...
Honestly, it tastes great, the combination of alcohol in vodka and taurine in red bull makes you wanna guess which one is kicking in :)
Alcohol makes you wanna sleep after drinking more than you can handle while red bull keeps you awake..Maybe this is the reason why you drink more of this combi, to keep you partying 'till the wee hours..
This combination is better than Vodka and Shweppes but depends on the location or environment also..I would go for VS if the location is on the beach..VS with slice lemon and ice would definitely beat the scorching day at the beach while Vodka and Red Bull is a great combi when you're chilling in a bar or partying on the dance floor..
Lastly, I advice that you have to put ice on both mixes, and don't worry if you will notice that your mouth is dry after drinking VRB, it's one of the effects of this mix...
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