I don't know for you, but for me I want to start everything with a good news, so I'll tell you the good news that happened to me today...
I got an extension for another 6mos...whew it means I still have a job haahaha....
The good thing is I can go home this Christmas and be with my family again...
The bad news is, my MBP got a lil grumpy this morning...It wont boot up just an annoying buzz sound... Good thing there's a japanese guy here in the project who happens to be a mac lover...He owns an MBP 17 inch at home and a Mac Air at the office...Deym this guy is cool... Not to forget his Ipod touch...
The culprit, 1gb memory from Samsung..
I hate to compare but this is like Firestone tires in Ford... Not Ford's fault but Firestone...
This time it's samsung... Korean company but made in China...
Wowww I wish this is the last prob I would encounter in MBP...

`till next time, cheers to the good life...
Torch c",)