Teka, pati sa chicks panalo ka ren, Tibay mo meyn!!!

Nicole Angela Judalena sings the National Anthem of the Philippines. Chants of "Manny! Manny! Manny!" begin immediately after. Jasmine Villegas sings the National Anthem of the United States. Again, chants of "Manny! Manny! Manny!" Both fighters blew up in weight tonight. Diaz weighing 148 and Pacquiao weighing 147. The challenger, Manny Pacquiao, comes out first. He smiles to the crowd as he makes his way out of the tunnel. He looks calm, cool and collected. The champion, David Diaz, comes out next accompanied by former jr. middleweight champion Fernando Vargas. He looks up for the challenge. "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN...LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLEEEEEEEE!"
Pacquiao comes out firing the jab and lands a left to the body. Diaz lands a short right hook on the inside. Pacquiao showing a lot of movement. Diaz lands a 1-2 on the inside. Left to the body lands for Pacquiao. HARD left hand lands for Pacquiao upstairs. Diaz lands a right to the body. Stiff jab and a left hand lands for Pacquiao. Uppercut lands for Pacquiao. Chants for Manny grow loud. Diaz keeping a high guard and blocking a lot. Two HARD right hands land on the inside for Diaz. HARD left hook lands for Pacquiao and Diaz smiles and yells, "Come on!" Hard body shot lands for Pacquiao. Round to Pacquiao, but it could get very interesting.
Pacquiao 10 Diaz 9
Right hand lands for Pacquiao. Some roughhousing on the inside. Uppercut and a left lands for Pacquiao. Diaz lands a body shot. HARD uppercut lands for Pacquiao again. Diaz lands a HARD left down the pipe. Another left lands for Diaz. Left and an uppercut from Pacquiao just grazes Diaz. Diaz blocking a lot with his high guard. They trade left hands. Nice left hook lands for Pacquiao. Diaz works the body. The crowd is yelling nonstop. Right hand lands for Pacquiao. They trade big left hands. Blood starts to flow from Diaz. Nice counter right hand lands for Pacquiao. Diaz lands a right of his own. Round to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 20 Diaz 18
Left to the body lands for Pacquiao. Wooooo...quick and hard right hook lands for Pacquiao. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. Another HARD right hook lands for Pacquiao. Uppercut lands for Pacquiao. Diaz eating a lot of leather now. They trade right hooks. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. Diaz lands a couple of body shots. Beautiful four punch combo lands for Pacquiao. Diaz lands a left. Short right hand on the inside lands for Diaz. Some roughhousing from Diaz on the inside as Pacquiao takes a break. Nice three-punch combo lands for Pacquiao. Diaz tries to work the body. A few more body shots land for Diaz. Round to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 30 Diaz 27
1-2 lands for Diaz now. HARD right to the body lands for Diaz. Right to the body lands for Pacquiao now. HARD right hook upstairs lands for Pacquiao. Left to the body lands for Pacquiao. A break in the action so the doctor can look at the cuts on Diaz. The action resumes. WOOOOO...HARD right hook lands for Pacquiao and Diaz looks wobbled. Pacquiao throwing a ton of combos. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. Diaz lands a jab. WOOOOOOOOOOO...BEAUTIFUL right hand upstairs lands for Pacquiao. Wow. Diaz lands a right down the pipe. They trade right hands. Diaz throws caution to the wind and just tries to slug with Pacquiao. Big mistake as he gets the worst of it. Round to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 40 Diaz 36
Diaz lands a jab. Pacquiao dancing in there. Some body shots land for Diaz. Quick uppercut lands for Pacquiao. Right hand and another uppercut lands for Pacquiao. BIG left hand lands for Pacquiao followed by a couple of rights and an uppercut. Pacquiao landing whatever he wants and doing a masterful job of boxing. The eye of Diaz looks horrible. Right hook lands for Diaz. They trade rights. Nice combo landed by Diaz. Pacquiao lands a big 1-2 of his own. HARD left hand lands for Diaz and Pacquiao wobbles for a split second. Round to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 50 Diaz 45
Diaz lands a couple of right hands. Pacquiao picking his shots. Right hook lands for Pacquiao. Diaz sneaks in a right of his own. They trade jabs. Diaz sneaks in an uppercut. Some roughhousing on the inside. The action has slowed a bit. Big left hand lands for Pacquiao. Right hook lands for Pacquiao and he dances away. Jab from Diaz snaps the head back of Pacquiao. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. BIG right hand lands for pacquiao. A break in the action again so the doctor can take another look at the cuts. The action resumes. Round to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 60 Diaz 54
Jab lands for Pacquiao. Some roughhousing on the inside again and both men get a warning. Hard right to the body lands for Diaz. Pacquiao answers with a right hook upstairs. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. Right to the body lands for Diaz. Diaz digs another 1-2 to the body. Double jab and a right hook lands for Pacquiao. Round to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 70 Diaz 63
Pacquiao lands a couple of jabs and an uppercut. Diaz sneaks in a left. Left hand lands for Pacquiao. Diaz lands an uppercut, but Pacquiao lands a right. Pacquiao backs him up to the ropes and lets his hands go. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. Diaz just covering up and eating a lot. 1-2 lands for Pacquiao. Diaz looks about done. Stiff jab lands for Diaz. Stiffer jab lands for Pacquiao. Round to Pacquiao.
Pacquiao 80 Diaz 72
Jabs and left hands landing at will for Pacquiao. Diaz has nothing on his punches. Right hook lands for Pacquiao. 1-2 lands for Diaz. Jab lands for Pacquiao. Left hand lands for Pacquiao and Diaz rocks backwards. Right hook lands for Pacquiao followed by a left. They trade jabs. STIFF right hand lands for Pacquiao. WOOOOOO...short left hand down the pipe lands for Pacquiao and Diaz is down. That's it. The ref has seen enough and doesn't even bother to count. Masterful performance by Manny Pacquiao.
Pacquiao TKO9
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