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July 24, 2008


After 4 months, look how adorable she is...

From whattoexpect.com website..

Your 4-Month-Old Baby: Voice Lessons

At four months, your baby is just beginning to find her voice...and laugh! Here's what else your little clown is up to these days.

Okay, so she still cries…a lot. But as she reaches the four-month mark, your baby is learning to vary her voice, adding some adorable coos and goo-goos to her repertoire. You might also discover, if you haven't already had the pleasure, what her darling little laugh sounds like — and she may soon add an attention-grabbing squeal of delight as well (um, was that a human sound?). These giggles and cackles are the first inklings of her sense of humor.

Just through everyday conversation, you've been providing her with the building blocks she needs to begin learning how to speak. She can now understand all the basic sounds of your native tongue and will soon start trying to produce them herself (see, you knew she was smart!). Although there is a wide range of normal — anywhere from three to six months — most babies at around four months old progress from vowel-only oohs and aahs to consonant vocalizations. She'll start with just one consonant at a time: a-ba, a-da. A month or two from now, she'll start practicing her ba-ba-bas, ga-ga-gas, and (much to Daddy's delight) da-da-das. So keep up the running commentary — she's eager to join in!

Just as she enjoys practicing her newfound vocal prowess, she's working on lots of new physical skills too — from grabbing toys to doing her imitation of a turtle on its back. She may find (and be totally mesmerized by) her feet — such fun toys, always available and tasty, too! If you put her on her tummy, she'll work on pushing up her head and chest, as well as flipping over onto her back, where she'll begin to lift her head and shoulders if you gently pull her up. All this helps her build the muscles she'll need to sit up on her own. As long as she has good neck control, try propping her in a seated position. If she slumps down or slips sideways, it's too soon. If not, you can assume she's comfortable and ready (and she'll probably enjoy the change of scene.) If she does start fussing — or slip-sliding away &dmash; pick her up and try again another time.

With all this working out, she should be pretty worn out come nighttime. Many four-month-olds sleep for a six-hour stint at night, giving their lucky parents some much-needed rest. Even if your baby is waking more frequently than that (and many still do!) she may at least settle into a more predictable pattern for naps and bedtime. Encourage this by introducing, and sticking to, a simple sleepy-time routine (such as nursing, then a story and a song).

Wahhh ibalik nyo ako sa Pilipinas!!!!!!!!

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