Are you going to Milan? or maybe Paris? nah maybe Rome? Make sure you're not bringing your fake Louis-Vuitton, Chanel, etc bags...
Airports in these countries will seriously examine your bag(s) before you enter and they will detain you once they're sure that you're a faker...
Good thing wifey is not into bags, hehehehe... Or she's just waiting for me to give her an LV? hmmmmm...whew!!!
I was not that aware of this because my main concentration was software piracy like Microsoft and other big software companies where they will ask you to open your laptop in the airport and examine if you have the license for it... Same goes with dvd/cd music/film piracy where they will confiscate it once you are caught carrying it inside your carry on bags...
The best thing to do is avoid having fakes if you are going out of the country, to save yourself from humiliation...
Imagine even eBay got served ---> Handbagged
Ask your suki in Greenhills and 168 to upgrade the quality of bags or dvd packaging to make sure that it won't be obvious as fakes.... NAhhh just kidding, just save and buy the genuine one, no money? buy local brands...

`till next time, cheers to the good life!!!
Torch c",)
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