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Pescetarianism (or Pesco-vegetarianism) is a semi-vegetarian dietary choice, in which a person — known as a pesco-vegetarian — only eats vegetables, fruit, andfish or other non-mammalian sea food, but will not eat mammals or birds. Someanimal products like eggs and dairy may be part of a pescovegetarian diet.Terms like pesco-vegetarianism are sometimes used to describe pescetarianism, to emphasize that pescetarians abstain from eating the flesh of land animals. However, these terms are controversial and lesser-used, in part because they imply that pescetarianism is a type of vegetarianism. The Vegetarian Society, which initiatedpopular use of the term vegetarian as early as 1847, does not consider pescetarianism a valid vegetarian diet.[1] Some other entities accept pescetarianism as a valid vegetarian diet, including,[2],[3] and the Centre for Cancer Education.[4] The definitions of "vegetarian" in authoritative, mainstream dictionaries vary.[5]
Pescetarianism (or Pesco-vegetarianism) is a semi-vegetarian dietary choice, in which a person — known as a pesco-vegetarian — only eats vegetables, fruit, andfish or other non-mammalian sea food, but will not eat mammals or birds. Someanimal products like eggs and dairy may be part of a pescovegetarian diet.Terms like pesco-vegetarianism are sometimes used to describe pescetarianism, to emphasize that pescetarians abstain from eating the flesh of land animals. However, these terms are controversial and lesser-used, in part because they imply that pescetarianism is a type of vegetarianism. The Vegetarian Society, which initiatedpopular use of the term vegetarian as early as 1847, does not consider pescetarianism a valid vegetarian diet.[1] Some other entities accept pescetarianism as a valid vegetarian diet, including,[2],[3] and the Centre for Cancer Education.[4] The definitions of "vegetarian" in authoritative, mainstream dictionaries vary.[5]

Im a pesco-vegetarian myself, and have been valiantly trying to get my parents to allow me to go full vegetarian. But they wont let me :(. I thoughroughly encourage everyone to try! It's easy, healthy and tastes yum. It also opens you up to a variety of new flavours and recipes.