Much has been said about Global Warming...The awareness it has created globally is truly mind boggling..Needless to say, do we really care?
We should, some might say, but are we doing enough to contribute? Last March 29, through the initiative of WWF not the World Wrestling Federation, World Wide Fund that is, the Philippines participated in the Earth Hour... Lights were turned off for 60 minutes in the Metro area and some neighboring provinces to help reduce energy consumption..In case you haven't heard yet, global warming is the increase of Earth's temperature because of too much green house gasses that makes the planet so hot so ice caps are melting and our weather becoming more unpredictable like the El Nino and La Nina phenomenon...Am no scientist but at least I could understand what's happening to Mother Earth and steps we could do to help... I agree with TIME Magazine making Vladimir Putin as their Person of the Year for 2007 but I would not disagree with them if they've chosen Al Gore for his efforts on Global warming...
I think it's about time that we have to be aware not only on the political end of our country (Gloria Resign thingie) but also we should be concern with our environment... For my part, I stopped smoking for almost 2 years now, it may not be as significant as what Al Gore is doing, but at least I'm making an effort and not just watching our planet deteriorates because of the abuses made by its occupants...
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